K. LaFleur-Anders is the founder and owner of Reset with K., a unique wellness, lifestyle brand that encourages women to take the pressure off personal development through fun, interactive wellness experiences. With 10 years of experience in youth and adult fitness, she understands the deep desire to bring more joy and grace to healthy living. As a Certified Barre Instructor, a Certified Wellness Coach, and Certified Mind-Body Fitness Coach, her desire is to inspire women to pause, breathe, and make themselves a priority with grace and love.
She has helped her clients identify blind spots and make healthier choices without judgment or pressure and with full transparency. As a writer and Wellness Educator, K. guides women on their journey to a more connected, vibrant, freedom-centric life by teaching them how to fill their cup first. Through intentional and intuitive coaching and events, women feel energized and eager to explore their own creativity.
In addition to her work as a Wellness Educator, K. is the Dean of Health and Wellness at Reset YOUniversity, a non-profit organization that provides women access to courses in Health and Wellness, Business and Relationships. She is also the founder and owner of LaFleur Anders & Co, a creative writing agency. On weekends, you can find her writing, watching 80’s movies, or enjoying workouts with her family.